Thursday 2 May 2019

Episode 7 - Lucianne Lauffer; women's soccer; Knox City

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We're back after a four month absence, taking over The Pioneers timeslot.

We talk about what we did on our break. Ian talks up the Football Writers Festival, and being interviewed on Fox Sports for Anzac Day, The search for the Soccer Ashes also continues...

Ian revives his 100 Years Ago Today segment. Soccer is attempting to rebuild in Victoria, but efforts are stymied by ground access issues and players still returning from active service. But was soccer completely dead in Victoria, or just practically dead?

In Adelaide, they're seemingly a bit more optimistic about their shot term prospects of getting a competition started again.

We also discuss the development of the usage of the word "soccer" in Australian culture.

Our first guest of the year is scholar Lucianne Lauffer, who is attempting to recover the organisation history of women's soccer in Australia, linking her research to feminist movements. The discussion covers the difficulties of researching women's football in any sphere. The discussion branches out to the cultural marginality of women's soccer as a whole. We only touch lightly on Lucianne's research on Brazilian women's football.

We finish off by racing through Paul discussing a couple of books about Knox City Soccer Club in Melbourne. You can see Knox's 50th anniversary booklet here. The later update is available from Knox City Soccer Club.

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